It was April 2004 when, in a landscape of dynamic technological changes and within a rapidly evolving market context, Vidiemme embarked on its exciting journey, celebrating its twentieth birthday this year. 

From the very beginning, Vidiemme has stood out as a technological partner with a keen focus on innovation, constantly driven by the pursuit of cutting-edge technologies. The initial challenge of creating digital solutions was addressed with determination and vision, leading us to grow steadily over the years. Today, we boast a team of over 100 staff members all sharing a passion for technology. 

A path of successes and ongoing new challenges 

“Throughout its journey, Vidiemme has faced significant challenges that have helped shape its identity and trajectory,” explains Luca Valsecchi, CEO. “The appearance of the first iPhone in 2007, followed by the debut of the first iPad in 2010, and the subsequent introduction of technologies such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, virtual assistants and AI, represent just a few milestones that sparked a revolution in the digital world. These developments provided Vidiemme with the opportunity to further solidify its presence in the industry and encouraged the company to expand its capabilities, delving into new horizons.” 

Challenges haven’t been confined to the technological landscape: the outbreak of the pandemic has pushed companies towards rapid digitalization and the search for resilient, adaptable solutions. In this context, Vidiemme once again showcased its ability to anticipate emerging challenges and develop innovative solutions to address the ever-changing market demands, positioning itself alongside Brands during this pivotal moment of digital transformation 

The synergy with the Bip Group and the importance of the evolution 

Our integration into the Bip Group in 2020 marked a crucial turning point. The synergy between Vidiemme and the Group has allowed us to expand our service portfolio, integrating new capabilities that enable us to tackle increasingly complex challenges and guide our clients towards success. 

Entering the Group wasn’t the sole change along our path. Indeed, over its twenty-year journey, Vidiemme has undergone a substantial evolution to adapt to the shifting demands of the market and the emerging challenges in the technological landscape. 

Thanks to our solid background in managing end-to-end projects, we have built up a wide range of capabilities, now ready to be deployed in a broader consulting context. 

Alongside the creation of digital solutions and touchpoints, our engagement is steadily growing in other domains such as Quality Assurance, Software Testing, vertical consulting and educational sessions covering specific topics, like accessibility. 

In addition to our business goals, Vidiemme places a fundamental emphasis on continuously uplifting and motivating our team, aiming to cultivate an increasingly stimulating work environment. 

For instance, hackathons have become a regular event that fosters creativity and teamwork, while the #ProudlyNerd collection on Medium allows employees to share their own experiences and tech know-how. 

At the same time, we maintain an ongoing commitment to training, with regular events that cultivate a culture of continuous learning and improvement. 

Bip Red: a new international practice 

Vidiemme is proud to have expanded its value by playing a fundamental role in establishing a new organizational unit and Brand within the Bip Group: Bip Red. 

This new initiative brings together not only Vidiemme but also the strengths of three other entities within the Group: BitbuIl, OpenKnowledge, and Sketchin, harnessing the expertise of over 400 professionals. 

In a market where investments in the innovation ecosystem are continuously on the rise, Bip Red positions itself as a unique partner capable of guiding companies through a targeted and integrated digital transformation journey, enabling them to successfully tackle future challenges.  

Vidiemme’s presence within Bip Red enriches the pool of available skills, bringing unique abilities and a strategic vision that enhance the practice, ensuring a comprehensive and cohesive digital offering. 

A glimpse into the future 

As Vidiemme celebrates its twentieth birthday, our achievements are worth celebrating, but even more so to look ahead to the future and to the opportunities that lie ahead through its constant evolution. 

“Our team’s growth continues to be a top priority: we strongly believe that motivated and skilled individuals are the key to our success,” says Luca Valsecchi. “We foresee an increasingly strong synergy with the Bip Group, especially with the launch of Bip Red, which offers us unprecedented opportunities to broaden our impact and market presence”. 

At the heart of our mission lies the relentless pursuit of technological innovation, a commitment that has distinguished Vidiemme since its birth and one that we will continue to advance with determination and passion.