Benefits and advantages of fast prototyping for a successful digital strategy
Companies are rapidly adapting to change, directing their digital strategy path towards new opportunities and significant evolutionary outlets. Often, a sudden transformation is considered the only way to introduce technological and innovative assets into the company structure, thus leading to quick decisions, without weighing the actual impact on existing processes.
As Rita Gunther McGrath, a Columbia Business School strategic management scholar, also stated in her article on Digital Transformation in the Harvard Business Review, the focus of the issue cannot be limited to mere technological change and the economic value of such a choice. Rather the point of interest for companies must be the promotion of a cultural transformation, sufficient to guarantee a measured and weighted impact on the immune system of the company itself, so as to achieve small successes gradually, and evolve towards major changes.
Fast Prototyping and Vidiemme: towards a new business model
It is from this context that Vidiemme makes Fast Prototyping a strategic component for any digital transformation process. In fact, thanks to the presence of VDM Labs in the Silicon Valley and the strong overseas network, we are able to anticipate technological trends in Italy and introduce innovative assets for companies, using the most suitable method.
These characteristics strategically distinguish and enable us to fully understand our customers’ needs. Our starting point is a simple approach, which Vidiemme identifies as “start small” that let us proceed quickly, validating the different stages step by step and minimising risks.